Sowing Systems -
The graph presents the percentage of the area disaggregated by planting systems both for the FLAR member countries and for each country. The planting systems are disaggregated by: area with pregerminated seed, area with dry seed with seeder, area with transplant and area with another system. Additionally, the filter in the upper corner allows you to view the data differentiated by your production system: irrigation, dryland and the national estimate.
This graph shows the area in hectares that are disaggregated by the planting system: area with pregerminated seed, area with dry seed with a seeder, area with transplant and area with another system. Additionally, the filter in the upper corner allows you to view the data differentiated by your production system: irrigation, dry land and the national estimate.
This graph shows the seeding density, that is, the average amount of seed used in kilograms per hectare. Additionally, the filter in the upper corner shows the differentiation by production system: irrigation, dryland and the national estimate.
This graph shows the volume of seed, that is, the amount of seed required in kilograms for all the hectares of a country. Additionally, the filter in the upper corner shows the differentiation by production system: irrigation, dryland and the national estimate.